Senin, 21 Oktober 2013


Posted by Unknown on 18.04 with No comments

Entrance Examinations

About Entrance Examinations:
Shortlisted applicants with the following qualifications (or equivalent qualifications as deemed fit by the university) may be required to sit for the NTU entrance examination before a final decision on admission can be made.
  • Indonesia – SMA Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN)  
  • Malaysia – South Australia Matriculation/Ontario Secondary School Diploma/Western Australia TEE
  • Myanmar – Higher School Certificate
  • Philippines – High School Certificate
  • South Korea – High School Certificate or Scholastic Exam
  • Thailand – Mathayom 6
  • Vietnam – High School Graduation Certificate
  • Other countries - National High School Certificate (less those exempted as shown in the list below)
  • University Foundation Studies

Exemptions from taking the Entrance Examinations:
You are exempted from taking the entrance examination if you are an international student with any of the following qualifications:
  • Malaysia STPM, Malaysia UEC, India Standard 12, 'A' level (AQA, Brunei, Cambridge, Edexcel, Hong Kong, Maldives, OCR, Sri Lanka) Certificate, Mauritius HSC, PRC National College Entrance Exam (NCEE) or 高考, International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, American High School Diploma, French Baccalaureate, Spanish Baccalaureate, European Baccalaureate, NCEA & NZ Scholarship, Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education and German Abitur.

You are exempted if you have
  • won gold, silver or bronze medals in one of the following International Science Olympiads Competitions:
          International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)
          International Physics Olympiad (IPhO)
          International Chemistry Olympiad ( IChO)
          International Biology Olympiad (IBO)
          International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 
          International Astronomy Olympiad ( IAO) 
          International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA)
Note:  Admission to programmes not closely related to your field of achievement (as above) will be considered on a case-by-case basis.                                                                                                                                                                
Notifications to Shortlisted Candidates:
If you are shortlisted, you will be informed of the details on the date, venue and syllabus of the entrance examination separately.

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Entrance Examinations Dates:
Indonesia15 & 16 February 2014
Vietnam15 & 16 February 2014

* The dates are tentative and may subject to changes.

Examination Fee

A flat rate of S$50 examination fee is payable by shortlisted international applicants before the test date. Those who fail to pay the examination fee will not be allowed to sit the exam. The examination fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Other Examination Expenses
All expenses (which include travelling fares, food and accommodation) incurred by the shortlisted applicants for the entrance examinations in one way or another are borne by themselves.  Shortlisted applicants are responsible for their own welfare & application of visa (if required for travel overseas) when taking the examinations, whether in their own home country or outside home country. Examinations Papers - Compulsory and Electives:                    
English is a compulsory paper.
The electives papers are:
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese
  • Mathematics ('A' level)
  • Mathematics ('AO' level)
  • Physics
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Details of Examination Paper Requirements:
Examination Paper Requirements
  • Check the examination paper requirements to confirm the papers you will be taking.  Please click here if you need to download the Acrobat Reader. The papers you are required to sit for (2 to 5 papers) will depend on all your choices of programmes indicated in your application form. 

  • The papers that you are shortlisted to take would also affect your eligibility to any undergraduate programmes in your entire tertiary studies in NTU. This is especially important if you wish to request for a change of programme prior to or after enrolment in NTU. For example, if you have sat for only English and AO Maths, you would only beeligible for any non-Science and non-Engineering programmes for your entire tertiary studies in NTU. If you have sat for English, A Maths and Physics, you would be eligible for all programmes except Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Biological Sciences and Biomedical Sciences & Chinese Medicine in your entire tertiary studies in NTU.

  • There is a difference in the standard or level of difficulty between the ‘A’ and ‘AO’ Level Mathematics papers.

  • Do check the syllabus carefully.

SyllabusThe syllabus for the examination papers can be downloaded below. Do note the difference in level of difficulty between ‘A’ level & ‘AO’ level Mathematics.

There is no syllabus for the English paper.

Samples of Entrance Examination Papers
A sample of each of the entrance examination paper can be downloaded below. There is no sample for Chinese. Please note that the sample papers provided here are meant for reference only. The actual examination papers may differ in format.

Approved CalculatorsPlease click here for the list of approved calculators.  Note that only the approved models of calculators listed are allowed to be brought into the examination hall.

If you choose to use a graphic calculator, ensure that any information and/or programs stored in the graphic calculator are cleared before the examination.  
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Instructions to Examination Candidates:
You are required to read the following instructions carefully prior to taking the entrance examination.
  1. Examinations will be conducted during the allocated times shown in the examination timetable.
  2. No candidate is allowed to present himself for examination later than ONE HOUR after the commencement of the examination.
  3. No candidate will be allowed to hand in his answer scripts until ONE HOUR has elapsed after the commencement of the examination.
  4. No candidate who has entered the examination hall will be allowed to leave the hall temporarily or otherwise for any reason whatsoever until the examination has commenced.
  5. A candidate who has been given permission to leave the hall temporarily must be accompanied by an invigilator.
  6. No candidate is allowed to bring into the examination hall any unauthorized material such as book, dictionary, electronic dictionary, document or picture. Bags, waist pouches, ear or headphones, handphones or pagers are not permitted to be brought into the examination hall.
  7. A candidate is only allowed to bring approved models of calculators into the examination hall.  Please click herefor the list of approved calculators.  Candidates are responsible for clearing any information and/or programs stored in graphic calculators before the examination.   
  8. Candidates must answer all questions in the examinations (except Chinese paper) in English only.  No mark will be allocated for answers in languages other than English.
  9. The University will not be responsible for the loss of any belongings which candidates bring with them and which they are required by this regulation to leave outside the examination hall.
  10. No communication by word of mouth or otherwise between candidates is allowed during the examination.
  11. A candidate who wishes to communicate with an invigilator must raise his hand.
  12. No candidate is allowed to leave his seat without the permission of an invigilator.
  13. No candidate is allowed to leave the examination hall during the last 15 MINUTES before the conclusion of the examination.
  14. The identity of every candidate will be checked during the examination. Candidates are required to bring theirIDENTITY CARDS (with birth date and photograph shown) or PASSPORTS and place them at the top right-hand corner of their desks at the commencement of the examination.
  15. Candidates are allowed into the examination hall TEN MINUTES before the commencement of the examination. They are, however, not permitted to turn over the question paper placed on their desks until the time for the commencement of the examination.
  16. At the end of the examination, candidates must remain seated and must not communicate with one another while their answer scripts are being collected and tallied. 
  17. No papers, used or unused, including the question paper, may be removed from the examination hall.
  18. A candidate, who fails to take the examination for a subject, shall be deemed to have sat and failed the examination for the subject.

  1. Who are applicants that required to sit for the NTU Entrance Examination?
  2. What make applicants exempted from NTU Entrance Examination?
  3. When is the NTU Entrance Examination for Indonesia?
  4. What paper that compulsory for the test?
  5. How to know about paper that required for the test?
  6. How many paper that available in this test?
  7. How much money we must pay for the test?
  8. If we sat only for English and "AO" math, what subject we can take?
  9. What materials we not allowed to bring to examination hall?
  10. What required to bring by candidates to the test?

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